Product MarketingProduct marketing is a complex process that plays a vital role in the overall marketing strategy. Along with price, place, and promotion, it determines the success of a product or service in the market. By analysing customer needs, developing appealing product offerings, and proficiently conveying their value, product marketing guarantees that a company’s products align with the target audience and meet sales objectives. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine the intricacies of product marketing, its importance and provide real-life examples to demonstrate its impact.

Please note that product marketing is an important aspect of the overall marketing mix(Click here to learn more about the 7Ps of marketing mix). Therefore, it is advisable to gain an understanding of the marketing mix and its components to ensure a successful product marketing strategy.

Understanding Product Marketing

Let’s start with CIM’s definition: “Product Marketing is a strategic function within a company responsible for promoting and positioning products or services to target customers. It involves understanding the market, identifying customer needs, and developing product strategies and messaging to effectively communicate the product’s unique value proposition. Product marketers work closely with various teams, including product development, sales, and marketing communications, to ensure the successful launch and ongoing promotion of products, as well as their continuous improvement based on customer feedback and market trends.”

Therefore, Product Marketing is a strategic function within a company that plays a crucial role in promoting and positioning products or services to the target customers. Its primary objective is to drive product adoption and success in the market by understanding the market dynamics, customer needs and creating effective strategies and messaging that communicate the product’s unique value proposition. Product marketers collaborate with various internal teams like product development, sales, and marketing communications to ensure a successful product launch and continuous promotion, as well as the improvement of products based on customer feedback and market trends.

Example: Apple’s Product Marketing for the iPhone Apple is Apple Products improvementsrenowned for its exceptional product marketing, especially with the iPhone. The company invests heavily in market research to understand customer preferences and pain points. The iPhone’s success lies in its impeccable product positioning as a premium, innovative, and user-friendly device. Apple effectively communicates its value proposition through captivating ads that focus on the iPhone’s unique features, design, and seamless user experience.

Importance of Product Marketing

·         Differentiation:

Product marketing enables companies to differentiate their offerings from competitors in a crowded marketplace.

Example: Airbnb has brought a unique approach to the hospitality industry by providing a platform that offers distinctive and genuine travel experiences. By implementing an effective product marketing strategy, Airbnb has managed to stand out from the traditional hotels and has attracted a new group of travellers who are looking for personalised stays.

  • Customer-Centric Approach:

Product marketing places customers at the core of decision-making, ensuring products address real-world problems and fulfil customer needs.

Example: Spotify’s Customer-Centric Product Improvements Spotify regularly updates its music streaming service based on customer feedback and behaviour data. By continually enhancing the user experience and adding new features, Spotify remains customer-focused, retaining its user base and attracting new subscribers.

  • Revenue Generation:

Effective product marketing directly impacts revenue generation by driving demand and sales.

Example: Starbucks’ Product Line Extensions Starbucks continuously introduces new beverages and food items to their menu, supported by targeted product marketing. These extensions increase sales and customer visits, contributing to Starbucks’ revenue growth.

  • Customer Retention:

Satisfying customer needs and expectations through product marketing fosters loyalty and improves customer retention rates.

Example: Netflix’s Personalization and Recommendation Engine Netflix’s product marketing revolves around its personalised recommendation system, which suggests content based on users’ viewing history. This level of personalisation keeps subscribers engaged, leading to higher customer retention rates.


To achieve success, it’s important to continuously improve your product/service according to consumer expectations. This is an ongoing process that involves researching the market, creating a strong strategy, and ensuring a seamless launch. Effective product marketing is necessary to stand out, increase revenue, and foster loyalty. It’s crucial for a company’s long-term survival in the market. Failure to do so can result in disappearance, as demonstrated by companies like Blackberry, Nokia, and Kodak, who failed to adapt to changing market conditions.

As a product marketer, You need to consider the following:

·         Market Research:

Thorough market research is the foundation of successful product marketing. By collecting and analysing data on customer preferences, behaviour, and market trends, companies gain insights that help them develop products that meet specific demands.

Example: Coca-Cola’s Market Research for New Flavors Coca-Cola is known for introducing new flavours based on extensive market research. They analyse customer feedback, conduct taste tests, and monitor social media conversations to identify flavour trends. This research-driven approach led to the launch of popular variants like Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, and more.

  • Product Positioning:

Product PositioningProduct marketers focus on positioning the product effectively to stand out in the market and resonate with the target audience.

Example: Volvo’s Product Positioning for Safety Volvo has long been associated with safety, which is a result of successful product positioning. Their marketing emphasises the advanced safety features and technology integrated into their cars, appealing to consumers who prioritise safety in their purchasing decisions.

  • Product Development:

Collaboration between product marketing and product development teams ensures that the final product meets customer needs and aligns with market demands.

Example: Tesla’s Collaboration between Product Teams Tesla’s product marketing and product development teams work closely together, ensuring that the features and design of their electric vehicles cater to the desires of environmentally-conscious consumers seeking high-performance and cutting-edge technology.

  • Pricing Strategy:

Determining the right price for a product is crucial to its success. Product marketers analyse market data and competitor pricing to set an optimal price that balances profitability with customer affordability.

Example: Amazon’s Pricing Strategy for Kindle E-Readers Amazon’s product marketing strategy for Kindle E-readers involves offering a range of devices at various price points to cater to different customer segments. They often sell Kindle devices at cost or even at a loss, focusing on revenue generation through e-book sales.

—–Read more about pricing strategy and how it can help you maximise your business revenue in this article—–

  • Sales Enablement:

Sales EnablementEquipping the sales force with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively communicate the product’s value proposition is essential for driving sales.

Example: Salesforce’s Sales Enablement Strategy Salesforce provides its sales teams with comprehensive training, sales scripts, and interactive demos to articulate the value of their cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software to potential clients.

  • Customer Education:

Educating customers about the product’s features, benefits, and use cases is crucial for successful adoption.

Example: Have you checked out GoPro’s resources for their action camera users? They offer informative videos and tutorials that demonstrate the versatility and capabilities of their devices. This content helps customers learn how to capture their adventures effectively with their cameras.

  • Post-Launch Monitoring:

Continuously monitoring the product’s performance, customer feedback, and market trends helps identify opportunities for improvement and future iterations.

Example: Microsoft’s Continuous Product Updates Microsoft monitors user feedback and data on its software products, such as Microsoft Office, to identify bugs and user pain points. They release regular updates to improve functionality and enhance user experience based on this feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Product Marketing.

What is the process for a product marketing consultant?

The process of market research for a product marketer involves several key steps that help gather and analyse relevant data to inform product development, positioning, and overall marketing strategy. Here is a detailed outline of the typical process:

  • Defining Research Objectives:

Qualitative and Quantitative researchAs a product marketing lead, identify your research objectives and questions to address. Ensure they align with your marketing and business objectives. Example Objective: Understand customer preferences and pain points related to the existing product line to identify areas for improvement and potential new product opportunities.

  • Identifying Target Audience:

How to Define Your Target Market

Product marketing managers need to define their target audience for the research. This involves specifying the demographics, behaviours, and characteristics of the potential customers they want to study (building personas would help you understand them better).

Example Target Audience: Working professionals aged 25-40 who use productivity software for project management and collaboration.

  • Selecting Research Methods:

There are various research methods available, each offering unique insights. Product marketing managers need to choose the most appropriate methods based on their research objectives and available resources. Common research methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and secondary data analysis.

Example Method: Conduct a combination of online surveys and in-depth interviews to gain both quantitative and qualitative insights from the target audience.

  • Designing Research Instruments:

For surveys and interviews, product marketing managers need to develop well-structured questionnaires or interview guides. These instruments should be designed to collect relevant data that aligns with the research objectives.

Example Question: “What are the main challenges you face when managing projects with current productivity software?”

  • Collecting Data:

With the research instruments ready, the next step is to collect data from the target audience. This may involve distributing surveys, scheduling interviews, or arranging focus group sessions.

Example Data Collection: Send out online surveys to the target audience through email and social media channels. Schedule in-depth interviews with selected respondents for more detailed insights.

  • Analysing Data:

After collecting data, product marketing managers need to analyse it. They may need to perform statistical analysis for quantitative data and look for patterns and themes in qualitative data.

Example Analysis: Use statistical software to analyse survey responses and identify common pain points. For interviews, transcribe and code responses to discover recurring themes.

  • Drawing Insights:

With data analysed, product marketing managers should draw actionable insights from the findings. These insights will help inform product development decisions and marketing strategies.

Example Insight: “The target audience faces challenges in tracking project progress. A potential opportunity lies in developing a productivity software feature that offers real-time project status updates.”

  • Making Recommendations:

Based on the insights, product marketing managers should make recommendations for product improvements or new product ideas. These recommendations should be data-driven and aligned with the organisation’s goals.

Example Recommendation: “Introduce a ‘Project Dashboard’ feature in the productivity software, providing users with real-time project updates and progress tracking.”

  • Reporting Findings:

The final step is to create a comprehensive report presenting the research findings, insights, and recommendations. This report should be clear, concise, and easily understandable for stakeholders.

Example Report: The market research report includes an executive summary, methodology, key findings, insights, and actionable recommendations. It is presented to the product development team and senior management.

  • Implementing Insights:

After the report is delivered and the recommendations are approved, product marketing managers work with the product development team and other stakeholders to implement the insights into product improvements or new product development.

Example Implementation: Collaborate with the product development team to design and launch the “Project Dashboard” feature in the productivity software.

By following this comprehensive market research process, product marketing managers can gain valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points, enabling them to create and position products more effectively and drive successful marketing strategies.

What are the available product marketing models?

  • AIDA Model:

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This model outlines the stages a customer goes through in the process of engaging with a product or service. Product marketing managers use this model to structure their marketing efforts to attract attention, generate interest, create desire, and ultimately prompt action (e.g., making a purchase).

  • STP Model:

STP stands for Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. This model emphasises the importance of identifying specific market segments, selecting the most relevant target audience, and positioning the product to meet the needs and preferences of that target group effectively.

The 7Ps Marketing Mix expands on the traditional 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) to include People, Process, and Physical Evidence. This model is particularly useful in service-oriented industries, and product marketing managers can use it to address a more comprehensive set of factors influencing customer experience and satisfaction.

  • RACE Model:

RACE stands for Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage. This model is often used in digital marketing and focuses on planning and executing marketing strategies across different stages of the customer journey, from initial reach to long-term engagement.

  • Customer Lifecycle Model:

The Customer Lifecycle Model outlines the stages a customer goes through, from awareness to advocacy. Product marketing managers use this model to tailor marketing activities and messaging based on the customer’s current stage in the lifecycle.

  • BCG Growth-Share Matrix:

While not specific to product marketing, the BCG Matrix is a strategic planning tool that helps product marketers assess their product portfolio’s growth potential and market share. It categorises products into four quadrants: Stars, Question Marks (or Problem Children), Cash Cows, and Dogs, each requiring different marketing approaches.

  • The 3Cs Model:

The 3Cs Model focuses on Company, Customer, and Competitor analysis. Product marketing managers use this model to evaluate the internal capabilities of the company, understand customer needs and preferences, and analyse competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to formulate effective marketing strategies.

  • Kano Model:

The Kano Model is used to categorise product features based on customer satisfaction and delight. Product marketing managers can prioritise features by classifying them into Must-be, One-dimensional, Attractive, Indifferent, or Reverse characteristics to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • DRIP Model:

The DRIP model is a framework used by marketers to structure their communication strategies and messaging to target audiences effectively. Each element plays a crucial role in the overall product marketing process.


Each of these models provides unique insights and frameworks that can guide product marketing managers in developing effective marketing strategies, understanding customer behaviour, and delivering exceptional value to their target audience. It’s essential to choose the most suitable models based on the specific product, industry, and marketing objectives.

What are the tools that product marketer uses?

Project Management Tools:

  • Asana
  • Trello
  • Jira
  • Basecamp

Competitor Analysis Tools:

  • SimilarWeb
  • SpyFu
  • SEMrush
  • BuzzSumo
  • Owler

Market Research Tools:

  • SurveyMonkey
  • Qualtrics
  • Google Surveys
  • SurveyGizmo
  • Typeform

Customer Feedback and User Testing Tools:

  • UserTesting
  • Hotjar
  • UserVoice
  • UserZoom

Collaboration and Communication Tools:

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Zoom
  • Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
  • Skype for Business

What is AIDA Model?

The AIDA model is a marketing framework used to understand and guide the stages that a customer goes through before making a purchase. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, representing the sequential steps in the customer’s decision-making process. While the AIDA model is not exclusive to product marketing, it is commonly used in product marketing strategies to create effective marketing campaigns and messaging.

Here’s a breakdown of each stage in the AIDA model and its relevance to product marketing:


In the first stage, the goal is to grab the attention of the target audience. Product marketing aims to create awareness about the product, brand, or campaign through various marketing channels like advertising, social media, content marketing, and more.

Example: A product marketing manager might use eye-catching visuals and compelling headlines in an online ad to capture the attention of potential customers browsing the internet.


Once the audience’s attention is captured, the focus shifts to generating interest in the product or offering. Product marketing aims to provide more information about the product’s features, benefits, and how it addresses customer needs.

Example: Using engaging content, product marketing might showcase the unique features and use cases of a new smartphone, creating interest among potential customers.


In this stage, product marketing aims to cultivate a desire or emotional connection to the product in the minds of the audience. This involves highlighting the product’s value proposition, showcasing customer testimonials, and building an aspirational brand image.

Example: Product marketing might use storytelling in advertising or content to evoke emotions and desires associated with using the product, like a travel brand showcasing dream destinations and experiences.


The final stage is to prompt the audience to take action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service, or requesting more information. Product marketing leverages strong calls-to-action (CTAs) and offers to encourage conversions.

Example: Product marketing might include time-limited promotions or exclusive discounts to incentivize potential customers to make a purchase.

The AIDA model serves as a useful guide for product marketing managers to structure their marketing campaigns and messaging in a way that aligns with the natural progression of the customer’s decision-making process. By understanding the stages of Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, product marketing can create targeted and persuasive content that effectively drives customers towards making a purchase or taking the desired action.

What is STP Model?

The STP Model is a marketing framework used to develop and implement effective marketing strategies by segmenting, targeting, and positioning products or services in the market. STP stands for Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. This model helps businesses identify and understand their target customers, tailor their marketing efforts to specific segments, and position their offerings in a way that resonates with the needs and preferences of those chosen segments. The STP Model plays a significant role in product marketing and is widely used by marketers to drive successful marketing campaigns.

Here’s a breakdown of each component in the STP Model:


Segmentation involves dividing the market into distinct groups of consumers who share similar characteristics, needs, and behaviours. The purpose of segmentation is to identify relevant subgroups within the broader market that can be targeted with tailored marketing messages.

Example: A smartphone manufacturer may segment the market based on demographics (e.g., age, gender, income), psychographics (e.g., lifestyle, values), or behaviour (e.g., frequent travellers, gaming enthusiasts).


Targeting is the process of selecting specific segments from the identified market segments to focus marketing efforts on. The goal is to choose segments that are most likely to respond positively to the marketing message and are potentially more profitable.

Example: From the segments identified in the previous step, the smartphone manufacturer may decide to target the segment of tech-savvy young professionals who prioritise performance and features.


Positioning involves creating a unique and compelling brand image or identity for the product or service in the minds of the target audience. It is about differentiating the offering from competitors and communicating its value proposition effectively.

Example: The smartphone manufacturer may position its product as a premium and innovative device, emphasising cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and seamless user experience.

By using the STP Model, product marketing managers can develop marketing strategies that are more relevant, personalised, and effective. Understanding the needs and preferences of specific customer segments allows for more precise messaging and better alignment of products with the target audience. Ultimately, the STP Model helps businesses optimise their marketing efforts, increase customer engagement, and achieve higher conversion rates in the market.

What is RACE Model?

The Reach stage focuses on building brand awareness and attracting a wider audience to the brand’s online presence. In this stage, marketers aim to increase the visibility of their brand, products, or services through various digital marketing channels, such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and online advertising.

Example: In the Reach stage, a product marketing manager might use targeted social media ads, influencer marketing, and SEO optimisation to increase the brand’s online visibility and reach potential customers.


The Act stage is about encouraging potential customers to engage with the brand and take specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a free resource, or exploring product features. This stage is crucial for turning website visitors into leads or prospects.

Example: Product marketing managers may create compelling lead magnets, such as e-books or webinars, to entice visitors to provide their contact information and opt-in for further communication.


In the Convert stage, the focus is on turning leads or prospects into paying customers. Marketers employ strategies to nurture leads, build trust, and guide potential customers towards making a purchase decision.

Example: Product marketing managers may send targeted email campaigns, offer personalised discounts or free trials, and provide product demonstrations to convert leads into customers.


The Engage stage centres on maintaining an ongoing relationship with customers to encourage loyalty, repeat purchases, and advocacy. This stage is crucial for customer retention and turning satisfied customers into brand advocates.

Example: Product marketing managers may use personalised email marketing, loyalty programs, and customer feedback surveys to engage with existing customers and keep them informed about product updates and promotions.

The RACE Model is a cyclical process, and marketers continuously analyse data and metrics at each stage to refine their strategies and improve results. It emphasises the importance of a seamless and integrated approach to digital marketing, ensuring that all stages work together to maximise customer acquisition, retention, and brand loyalty.

Overall, the RACE Model provides a comprehensive framework for digital marketing that aligns with the customer journey, helping product marketing managers create effective marketing strategies and deliver a better customer experience.

What is Customer Lifecycle Model?

he Customer Lifecycle Model, also known as the Customer Journey or Customer Lifecycle Marketing, is a framework used to map and understand the various stages a customer goes through during their relationship with a brand or company. It provides a holistic view of the customer’s experience, from initial awareness to post-purchase support and loyalty. The model helps businesses align their marketing and customer engagement strategies with the different stages of the customer journey, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction, retention, and advocacy.

The typical stages of the Customer Lifecycle Model include:


This is the first stage, where potential customers become aware of a brand, product, or service. Marketing efforts in this stage aim to capture the attention of the target audience and introduce the brand’s value proposition.


In the consideration stage, customers research and compare various options before making a purchase decision. Marketing strategies in this stage focus on providing information, building trust, and highlighting the benefits of the product or service.


The purchase stage is when the customer completes the buying process and becomes a paying customer. This stage involves transactional activities and delivering an excellent buying experience.


After the purchase, the onboarding stage is crucial for setting a positive tone and ensuring the customer gets started with the product or service smoothly. Effective onboarding leads to better product adoption and reduces the likelihood of churn.


In the engagement stage, the goal is to keep customers actively using the product or service and maintain a positive relationship with the brand. Customer engagement strategies, such as personalised content, loyalty programs, and customer support, are employed in this stage.


Customer retention involves efforts to keep customers satisfied and loyal, reducing churn and encouraging repeat business. Building long-term relationships and addressing customer concerns is vital in this stage.


The final stage of the Customer Lifecycle Model is advocacy, where satisfied customers become brand advocates. Advocates voluntarily promote the brand, refer new customers, and positively influence others’ purchasing decisions.

Throughout the Customer Lifecycle, marketing efforts, customer support, and other business activities should be tailored to meet the specific needs and expectations of customers at each stage. Understanding the customer journey enables businesses to deliver personalised and relevant experiences, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and fostering long-term customer loyalty.

It’s important to note that the Customer Lifecycle Model may vary slightly depending on the industry, product or service, and the unique characteristics of the target audience. However, the fundamental stages remain consistent in most customer journey frameworks.

What is BCG Growth-Share Matrix?

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix, also known as the Boston Consulting Group Matrix, is a strategic management tool used to analyse a company’s product portfolio and make informed decisions about resource allocation and strategic priorities. It was developed by the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970s. The matrix categorises a company’s products or business units into four quadrants based on two dimensions: market growth rate and relative market share.

Here are the four quadrants of the BCG Growth-Share Matrix:


Products or business units that have a high market share in a rapidly growing market are classified as “Stars.” These products have the potential to generate substantial revenue and profit. They require significant investment to maintain their strong market position and take advantage of growth opportunities.

Cash Cows:

Products or business units with a high market share in a mature, slow-growing market are referred to as “Cash Cows.” These products typically generate a steady stream of cash flow and profit, requiring less investment to maintain their position. They are often used to support and fund other business activities.

Question Marks (Problem Children): 

Products or business units with low market share in a rapidly growing market are labelled as “Question Marks” or “Problem Children.” These products have the potential for growth but face uncertainty and may not yet be profitable. They require careful consideration and investment decisions to determine if they can become future Stars or should be divested.


Products or business units with low market share in a slow-growing market are categorised as “Dogs.” These products have limited growth prospects and typically generate low returns. If they cannot be turned around, divestment may be considered to free up resources for more promising opportunities.

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix helps businesses assess the performance and potential of their products or business units. It aids in allocating resources effectively by guiding decisions on which products to invest in, which to maintain for cash generation, which to grow, and which to divest.

The matrix is particularly valuable for large companies with diverse product portfolios, as it provides a visual representation of each product’s position in the market and its strategic implications. However, it’s essential to recognise that the BCG Growth-Share Matrix is just one of many strategic analysis tools, and its effectiveness may vary depending on the industry and the company’s specific circumstances.

What is The 3Cs Model?

The 3Cs Model is a strategic marketing framework used to analyse and evaluate the factors that influence a company’s success in a particular market or industry. It stands for Company, Customers, and Competitors. The model helps businesses understand their internal capabilities, the needs and preferences of their target customers, and the competitive landscape they operate in. By examining these three key elements, companies can develop effective marketing strategies and make informed decisions to gain a competitive advantage.

Here’s a breakdown of each component in the 3Cs Model:


The “Company” component focuses on analysing the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organisation. This involves understanding the company’s resources, capabilities, and core competencies that can be leveraged to meet customer needs and respond to market challenges.

Example: Company analysis might involve assessing the company’s financial health, brand reputation, product innovation, technology, and overall operational efficiency.


The “Customers” component involves understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviours of the target customers. It includes conducting market research to gain insights into customer demographics, motivations, pain points, and buying behaviour.

Example: Customer analysis might involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback from customers and identify trends and emerging needs in the market.


The “Competitors” component focuses on analysing the competitive landscape in the industry. This involves identifying direct and indirect competitors, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and assessing their marketing strategies.

Example: Competitor analysis might involve studying competitor product offerings, pricing strategies, marketing communications, distribution channels, and market share.

By analysing these three critical aspects, businesses can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the market environment they operate in and gain insights into potential opportunities and threats. The 3Cs Model enables companies to identify their unique selling points, competitive advantages, and areas for improvement. This understanding can then be used to create targeted marketing strategies that resonate with the needs of their target customers and effectively position the company against competitors.

The 3Cs Model is an essential tool in strategic planning and market analysis, helping companies make data-driven decisions to optimise their marketing efforts, enhance customer value, and achieve long-term success in the market.

What is Kano Model?

The Kano Model is a customer satisfaction and product development theory introduced by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 1980s. It is used to understand and prioritise different product features based on their impact on customer satisfaction and delight. The model categorises product attributes into five distinct categories, each with a different effect on customer satisfaction.

The five categories of the Kano Model are:

Basic (Must-Have) Features:

These are essential features that customers expect as a baseline. If these features are not present, customers will be extremely dissatisfied. However, their presence does not significantly increase customer satisfaction; they are considered necessary for the product to be acceptable.

Example: A smartphone must have basic features like making calls, sending texts, and accessing the internet. Customers expect these features, and their absence would lead to strong dissatisfaction.

Performance Features:

These are attributes that correlate with customer satisfaction in a linear manner. The more of these features a product has, the more satisfied customers will be. However, their presence does not necessarily lead to delight; rather, they are seen as meeting the customer’s functional needs.

Example: In a smartphone, high-quality camera resolution, fast processing speed, and long battery life are performance features. As these attributes improve, customer satisfaction also increases.

Excitement (Delighters) Features:

Excitement features are unexpected attributes that go beyond customer expectations and lead to delight. These features create positive surprises for customers and can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Example: In a smartphone, an AI-powered virtual assistant with advanced capabilities that understand and predict user needs would be an excitement feature.

Indifferent Features:

Indifferent features are those that do not strongly influence customer satisfaction, positively or negatively. Customers are relatively neutral about these attributes, and their presence or absence has little impact on overall satisfaction.

Example: In a smartphone, the colour of the device might be considered an indifferent feature. While some customers may have preferences for certain colours, for most, it does not significantly affect their satisfaction.

Reverse Features:

Reverse features, also known as “dissatisfiers,” are attributes that, when present, actually decrease customer satisfaction. These are unexpected attributes that customers dislike or find unnecessary.

Example: In a smartphone, a complicated and confusing user interface would be a reverse feature. It frustrates users and leads to dissatisfaction.

The Kano Model helps product developers and marketers prioritize their efforts and resources to focus on features that can truly differentiate the product and delight customers. By understanding which features are basic necessities, which are performance-driven, and which can create excitement, companies can make more informed decisions about product development, marketing, and customer experience improvements. This ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and a competitive advantage in the market.

What is DRIP Model?

The DRIP model is a framework used by marketers to structure their communication strategies and messaging to target audiences effectively. Each element plays a crucial role in the overall product marketing process. Let’s explore each element in more detail:


In product marketing, differentiation involves highlighting the unique features and benefits of a product or service that set it apart from competitors. This element focuses on creating a distinct identity for the product in the minds of the target audience. Effective differentiation helps position the product as the preferred choice for customers, even in a competitive market.

Example: Apple’s Differentiation for iPhones Apple effectively differentiates its iPhones by emphasizing their sleek design, user-friendly interface, and seamless integration with other Apple devices. This positioning sets iPhones apart from other smartphones in the market and creates a loyal customer base.


Reinforcement in the DRIP model refers to the continuous and consistent communication of key messages to customers. It involves repeating the product’s unique selling points, value proposition, and brand identity throughout various marketing channels to reinforce its position in the market.

Example: Coca-Cola’s Brand Reinforcement Coca-Cola consistently reinforces its brand image as a refreshing and joyful beverage through its advertising campaigns, social media presence, and sponsorships. The continuous messaging helps strengthen consumers’ associations with positive emotions related to the brand.


Informing customers is a critical element of product marketing, as it involves educating the target audience about the product’s features, functionalities, and how it addresses their needs. Informative content helps potential customers make well-informed purchasing decisions.

Example: Samsung’s Product Information Samsung’s product marketing often includes detailed specifications, videos, and user guides on their website to inform customers about the features and benefits of their electronic products, such as smartphones and TVs.


Persuasion is the element of the DRIP model that aims to influence customer behavior and encourage them to take action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. It involves creating compelling messaging and calls-to-action that resonate with the target audience.

Example: Amazon’s Persuasive Product Recommendations Amazon uses personalized product recommendations based on customers’ browsing and purchase history to persuade them to make additional purchases. The persuasive approach increases cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

The DRIP model acts as a guide for product marketing managers to create cohesive and effective marketing campaigns that address different stages of the customer journey. By differentiating the product, reinforcing its key messages, providing informative content, and using persuasive techniques, product marketing managers can maximize the product’s impact on the target audience and achieve marketing objectives.

How can attribution modelling help a product marketing consultant?

In summary, attribution modelling helps product marketing consultants make informed decisions, optimise marketing efforts, and drive more significant business impact. It allows them to understand the customer journey, measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and allocate resources strategically, ultimately leading to better marketing outcomes and business success.

What is the difference between product marketing and brand marketing?

Product marketing and brand marketing are two essential components of overall marketing strategies, each with distinct focuses and objectives. Here are the key differences between product marketing and brand marketing:

  • Scope and Focus:
Product Marketing:

Product marketing revolves around promoting and positioning specific products or services in the market. The primary focus is on showcasing the features, benefits, and value proposition of individual offerings to attract and convert customers.

Brand Marketing:

Brand marketing is centred on building and maintaining a strong brand identity and reputation. It emphasises creating a positive perception of the brand as a whole rather than promoting specific products or services.

  • Audience:
Product Marketing:

The target audience for product marketing is potential customers who are actively looking for solutions to their specific needs or problems. Product marketing aims to address their pain points and demonstrate how the product meets their requirements.

Brand Marketing:

Brand marketing targets a broader audience, including both potential and existing customers, as well as other stakeholders such as employees, investors, and partners. The goal is to create a consistent brand image that resonates with the emotions and values of the audience.

  • Timing:
Product Marketing:

Product marketing is more time-sensitive and closely aligned with product launches, updates, or specific promotional campaigns. It aims to drive short-term sales and conversions by highlighting the unique selling points of a product.

Brand Marketing:

Brand marketing takes a long-term approach, focusing on building brand loyalty and recognition over time. It aims to create enduring connections with customers, leading to repeat business and advocacy.

  • Metrics:
Product Marketing:

The success of product marketing is often measured through metrics like sales revenue, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLV).

Brand Marketing:

The effectiveness of brand marketing is gauged through metrics like brand awareness, brand recall, customer loyalty, brand sentiment, and overall brand equity.

  • Message:
Product Marketing:

The messaging in product marketing is tailored to highlight specific product features, use cases, and how the product solves customer problems. It emphasises functional benefits.

Brand Marketing:

Brand marketing messaging focuses on storytelling, emotions, and the brand’s core values. It aims to evoke positive emotions and build an emotional connection with the audience.

  • Collaboration:
Product Marketing:

Product marketing closely collaborates with product development, sales, and customer support teams to align messaging, launch new products, and gather customer feedback.

Brand Marketing:

Brand marketing collaborates with various departments, including PR, communications, HR, and corporate strategy, to ensure consistent brand messaging across all touchpoints.

In summary:

Product marketing is primarily concerned with promoting individual products to drive sales and conversions, while brand marketing focuses on building a strong brand identity and fostering long-term customer loyalty. Both types of marketing play vital roles in a comprehensive marketing strategy, complementing each other to create a cohesive and impactful brand presence in the market.

What is the difference between product marketing and growth marketing?

Product marketing and growth marketing are two specialised areas within the broader marketing discipline, each with distinct objectives and approaches. Here’s a comparison of the key differences between product marketing and growth marketing:

  • Focus and Objective:

Product Marketing:

The primary focus of product marketing is on promoting and positioning specific products or services in the market. The objective is to drive awareness, interest, and sales for individual offerings by highlighting their unique features, benefits, and value proposition.

Growth Marketing:

The main focus of growth marketing is on achieving sustainable and scalable growth for the overall business. The objective is to drive user acquisition, retention, and revenue growth through data-driven experimentation and optimisation across the entire marketing funnel.

  • Scope:

Product Marketing:

Product marketing is typically concerned with a specific product or product line. It involves understanding the target audience, creating product messaging, launching new products, and supporting sales efforts.

Growth Marketing:

Growth marketing takes a holistic approach, looking at the entire customer journey and lifecycle. It encompasses various marketing channels and touchpoints to identify growth opportunities and optimise the overall customer experience.

  • Timeline:

Product Marketing:

Product marketing efforts are often more short-term and cyclical, closely tied to product launches, updates, and specific marketing campaigns.

Growth Marketing:

Growth marketing is a continuous, ongoing process focused on long-term sustainable growth. It involves constant experimentation, optimisation, and analysis to drive continuous improvements in key growth metrics.

  • Metrics:

Product Marketing:

Product marketing metrics typically revolve around product-specific performance indicators, such as sales revenue, conversion rates, customer acquisition, and product adoption.

Growth Marketing:

Growth marketing relies on a wide range of metrics across the customer journey, including customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), retention rate, churn rate, and overall business revenue and profitability.

  • Collaboration:

Product Marketing:

Product marketing teams work closely with product development, sales, and customer support teams to align messaging, gather feedback, and support the product launch process.

Growth Marketing:

Growth marketing requires collaboration across various teams, including product, engineering, data analytics, and customer support, to identify growth opportunities and implement data-driven experiments.

  • Experimentation:

Product Marketing:

While product marketing may involve some testing and messaging refinement, it is not as experiment-driven as growth marketing.

Growth Marketing:

Growth marketing heavily relies on A/B testing, multivariate testing, and other experimentation methodologies to optimise marketing efforts and identify high-impact growth strategies.

In summary:

Product marketing is primarily concerned with promoting and positioning specific products to drive sales, while growth marketing takes a more comprehensive and data-driven approach to achieve overall business growth through continuous experimentation and optimisation. Both types of marketing are crucial for a successful marketing strategy, with product marketing driving short-term sales and growth marketing focusing on sustainable and scalable business growth.

Final Conclusion

In conclusion, product marketing is a critical component of the overall marketing strategy, aimed at promoting and positioning specific products or services to the target customers. It involves thorough market research, product positioning, pricing strategy, and collaboration with various teams to ensure successful product launches and continuous improvement based on customer feedback and market trends.

By understanding the customer journey and identifying growth opportunities, product marketing consultants can drive sustainable and scalable business growth. Additionally, effective product marketing creates differentiation, customer-centricity, and revenue generation, fostering customer loyalty and retention.

In the competitive landscape, product marketing serves as the bridge between the company’s offerings and customer needs, guiding product development and creating compelling messaging that resonates with the audience.

As product marketing evolves, embracing data-driven approaches, customer-centricity, and continuous experimentation becomes paramount. Through effective product marketing strategies, companies can stay relevant, maximise revenue, and build enduring relationships with their customers, securing their place in the market for the long haul.

In the dynamic and ever-changing market environment, product marketing remains a driving force behind product success and business growth. To thrive in the market, businesses must recognise the importance of product marketing and invest in building robust and customer-oriented strategies that capture the hearts and minds of their target audience.